Arboretum Herb Garden
The garden on the north end of the Student Services Building is both aesthetic and edible: this garden contains herbs, such as basil and mint, as well as tomato plants. The garden is maintained by Arboretum volunteers. The Arboretum Herb Garden represents one component of the ASU Local Foods Initiative, a Facilities Management program to harvest and use the edible food that is grown on campus. The University Club, one of ASU’s dining establishments, uses the herbs grown outside of the Student Services Building in many of its dishes; and opportunities are currently being explored to locate other potential buyers for ASU foods.
Notably, the Herb Garden is fertilized by compost produced by the ASU composting program. Working with Ken Singh Farms, a local farm that composts organic waste, Facilities Management diverts an average of 12 tons of organic waste per month from the landfill. In return, ASU receives 15,200 pounds of organic compost for use in ASU's landscaping. ASU is working to develop more composting initiatives on campus.
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Arboretum at ASU