Zero Waste
The Arizona State University Zero Waste department supports university sustainability initiatives through engagement, operations, planning, and visioning. ZW aims to achieve zero solid waste, which results in a 30 percent waste reduction and 90 percent diversion from the landfill. Outdoor dual landfill and recycling bins on campus are found outside on every campus with pictures on what can go into the landfill and the recycling. Using ‘landfill’ rather than ‘trash’ better communicates the impact the individual’s throwaways are having on our planet. Composting is available “back-of-house” in Memorial Union, residential dining halls and select dining facilities.
The Zero Waste department has several programs including Ditch the Dumpster and the Blue Bag Program. Ditch the dumpster is a move-out event from April 24th - May 12th, where students who have accumulated more than they need can divert waste from the landfill, support local non-profits and become educated about waste, proper recycling and addressing social needs. In spring 2016, Move-Out contributed to 105, 125 pounds of material that were donated, repurposed, or recycled. The blue bag program is a Campus-wide program where offices can recycle K-cup coffee capsules, snack bags, batteries, etc., which cannot be placed in the traditional blue bin.