Orange Mall Expansion
As a commitment to the University’s overall sustainability goals, Orange Mall Expansion is the first landscape-based project submitted for Sustainable SITES certification. Located in the core of ASU’s Tempe campus, the project replaces a former section of roadway and cul-de-sac with a pedestrian mall and multi-use plaza for programmed events and informal social gatherings by students, faculty and staff.
Developed in concert with the adjacent LEED Platinum and emerging Net Zero Student Pavilion, the project uses low impact development techniques to create an integrated sustainable design solution for both building and site. Connected runnels transfer collected building condensate and stormwater from on-site to a series of planted bio-swales and a rain garden for infiltration and as supplemental irrigation. Excess stormwater flows to a second infiltration gallery for use as groundwater recharge. Students are involved in the ongoing monitoring of several site performance factors including stormwater quality and flow rates along with monitoring of space utilization and social interactions.
Learn more.